SetJointTorque2 Class Reference
[libipsaViewer classesIPSRV remote instructions]

#include <SetJointTorque2.h>

Inheritance diagram for SetJointTorque2:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for SetJointTorque2:

Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 SetJointTorque2 (const std::string &code=std::string("jointtorque2 <nodename> <torque2>"))

Protected Member Functions

virtual tExecResultType vExecute (std::vector< std::string > &Instr, std::ostringstream &answer, unsigned int &numberOfReturnValues)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 36 of file SetJointTorque2.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SetJointTorque2::SetJointTorque2 ( const std::string &  code = std::string("jointtorque2 <nodename> <torque2>")  )  [inline]

Definition at line 39 of file SetJointTorque2.h.

Member Function Documentation

Instruction::tExecResultType SetJointTorque2::vExecute ( std::vector< std::string > &  Instr,
std::ostringstream &  answer,
unsigned int &  numberOfReturnValues 
) [protected, virtual]

Virtual method which must be overridden by any subclass. It does the "real" execution of the command and is called by Instruction::findAndExecute().

Instr instruction vector which is build like Instruction::instrdata of the specific subclass of Instruction
answer a stringstream where the answer of Instruction::vExecute() gets written to
numberOfReturnValues tells the method how many values should be stored in answer.
a value from the enum Instruction::tExecResultType

Reimplemented from Instruction.

Definition at line 31 of file SetJointTorque2.cpp.

References Instruction::eJOINT_NOT_FOUND, Instruction::eJOINT_TYPE_INCOMPATIBLE, Instruction::eOK, and SoJoint::setTorque().

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